How to Add a PO That's Already in Production


What if you have already placed an order for new inventory from your supplier, but you need to record this in SoStocked, so we can help you track it? Watch this video to find out how to back-date POs or Work Orders, or how to edit lead times.

Quick Recap: Different Ways to Create a Purchase Order

The different ways to create a PO are in another video here

Backdate your Purchase Order

All you have to do to backdate your PO is click on the "P.O. Date" and select the date that you actually created your order with your supplier. Ie. last week, 2 weeks ago, etc.

Adjust Your Lead Time

Find your Default Lead Time on the PO (this is set per supplier) and click on it.

This Edit Lead Time window will pop up. You can edit the amount of days on any of the steps within the Lead Time Flow. Adjust the days until the ETA (date in the red circle) is the correct date for when your ordered items are set to arrive.

The lead time is how SoStocked can monitor where your inventory is and how long until it gets to its final destination.

Another option would be to keep your P.O Date the same - in other words don't backdate it. And instead while creating the PO click on your lead time and edit the Lead Time Flow. For example, remove the In Production phase or edit the Freight days left. Just make sure the ETA lines up with the order you have on its way so SoStocked can help monitor that shipment correctly.

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